Merrow Schools Federation

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Merrow CofE Infant School - Kingfisher Drive, Guildford GU4 7EA | | 01483 561501
Merrow Junior School - Sheeplands Ave, Guildford, Surrey GU1 2SG | | 01483 598544,

01483 561501, 01483 598544

Merrow Schools Federation

Together We Grow

Staff List - Merrow Schools Federation

Strategic Leadership Team

Mrs Louisa Dormer - Executive Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Emma Hooper - Deputy Headteacher, DDSL, Inclusion Manager & SIAMS Lead (Infant School)
Miss Georgie Furze – Deputy Headteacher, DDSL & Inclusion Manager (Junior School)

Mrs Kerry Bircher - SENDCO 
Mrs Judith Bowyer – Classteacher 
Mrs Sandra May - School Business Manager & Data Protection Officer
Miss Charlotte Smith – Classteacher 

Our SLT are supported by an experienced and dedicated team.
(Please expand the categories below for full details and email addresses)

Hedgehogs (R)  -  Miss Lucy Clarke (Music)
Rabbits (R)  -  Ms Juliet Clark (Maths) & Mrs Emma Hooper (DHT, RE & Designated Teacher)

Owls (1)  -  Miss Charlotte Smith (Early Years & Phonics)

Otters (1/2) -  Mrs Louise Carter (Geography & History)

Foxes (2) -  Mrs Charlotte Williams

3JY Mrs Kate Yates (RE) & Mrs Sarah Johns (Science)
3G - Miss Christy Gregory (ECT)

4B - Mrs Patricia Bailey (Art & DT)
4K - Mr Andrew Keeble (PE Curriculum & Outdoor Learning)

5J - Mr Daniel Jones (Computing)
5F - Mr Harry Foxby (Aspire & Challenge)

6SB Mrs Judith Bowyer (Writing & ECT Mentor) & Mrs Steph Friend Smith (Reading & Drama)
6FW -  Mrs Laura Hurrell (PSHE, RSE) & Miss Georgie Furze (DHT, PE Events, EVC, Teaching & Learning Lead)

Mrs Lorraine Andrews
Mrs Chloe Balchin
Mrs Sarah Baxter
Mrs Edit Bonus (ELSA)

Mrs Kat Carr
Mrs Helen Day (HLTA)
Mrs Alison Deeprose
Mrs Hollie Donson  (HLTA)
Mrs Julie Kale
Mr Alistair Marriott
Mrs Alexandra Mazur
Mrs Krisztina Paladi Kovacs
Mr James Pariera (HLTA)
Mrs Kathy Payne-Butler (HLTA)

Mrs Lin Roberts
Mrs Jenny Smith
Mrs Joanna Smith
Mrs Joanna Tutty (Home School Link Worker, ELSA, Mental Health Lead, Young Carer Coordinator) 

Infant additional Midday Supervision
Mrs Janice Allee (Midday Supervisor)
Mrs Pauline Elson (Midday Supervisor)
Mrs Emma Norton (Midday Supervisor)
Mrs Rebecca Wilkins (Midday Supervisor)

Mrs Sandra May - School Business Manager, Data Protection Officer & Senior Leader

Mrs Fran Jewson – Office Manager & DDSL (Infant School)
Mrs Emily Wicks – School Finance Officer (Infant School)

Mrs Tracey Steer – Office Manager & DDSL (Junior School)
Mrs Jill Rowe – Admin Assistant (Junior School)
Mrs Jemma Thomson – Admin Assistant (Junior School)

Mr Ben Notley – Caretaker (Junior & Infant Schools)

Twelve 15 – Catering Services

Mrs Jane Gigg – Breakfast & Afterschool Club Manager
Mrs Helen Day - Deputy Manager
Mr Aaron Elson - Playworker
Mrs Pauline Elson - Playworker
Mrs Tiggy Meese - Playworker
Mrs Kat Nettleship - Playworker
Mrs Emma Norton - Playworker
Mrs Rebecca Wilkins - Playworker & Deputy Manager